HerillaFingerHydration is a unique product used to treat dry, cracked skin. Developed by Registered Pharmacist Richard Herilla, HerillaFingerHydration incorporates a dual-phase technology that restores vital oils and water to damaged skin. Also, with its improved micronized formula, the smaller molecular particles of the cream improve and enhance its penetration into the crack.
Cracked Skin vs. Chapped Skin
Cracked skin is not the same as chapped skin which is a condition of the skin's surface layer. Cracked skin goes much deeper. It is the lack of water or hydration to your skin's inner layers that is the cause of this painful and unsightly condition.

Dual-Phase Technology
Common medicated hand creams, lotions or ointments were designed to work on the top layer of skin and merely lubricate dry skin on the surface. They don't provide any relief for deeper cracks. Because they are mostly oils, they don't penetrate the skin's top layer and fail to deliver ingredients to the inner layers of skin where it's most needed to provide any relief for your condition.
HerillaFingerHydration is different because it isn't a lotion or moisturizer. Its dual-phase micronized formula incorporates an oily component that softens the dry surface skin to increase absorption and penetration of a creamy component that delivers water and vital nutrients into the skin's deeper layers where it hydrates and nourishes the skin to promote healing of cracked skin on fingers, elbows and heels in days!

Directions for Use
With just a small pea-sized amount massaged directly into the crack of the damaged skin a few times a day, You will notice a difference in three to four days! After that, a once-a-day application of this safe, drug- and fragrance-free cream will keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.